Sunday, November 14, 2010

StreamSend Marketing - A Review

StreamSend is a website that is dedicated to helping users create and distribute mass, quality-looking e-mails. The main audience for StreamSend consists of business owners and/or event planners who have a mailing list or a substantial clientele. StreamSend offers services such as e-mail templates (ready-made and custom made), management tools to care for subscribers and clientele lists, and analytics tools for marketing management. The website also offers services to users to audit the quality of e-mails that are sent to subscribers and groups.

Click the link below to learn more.

From: StreamSend Email Marketing: Review & Coupon Code

Monday, October 25, 2010

How Sex can Affect Your Relationship

Sex in a relationship is about more than just some fun bumping in the night. Many people don’t realize just how much sex can affect their relationships. With media projections and social pressures all around us, it’s hard to separate the facts from widely accepted beliefs.
Let’s take, for example, young people in their teens. Teenage boys are often of the opinion that the more sex and the more partners the better. Multiple partners make these boys “cooler” or more manly, because that is what the peer pressure is all about. Women tend to be the exact opposite... From: How Sex Can Affect Your Relationship

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Become a Big Brother/Sister!

Volunteering to be a Big Brother/Sister is not as easy as it’s made out to be on television or in books. Someone who is interested in becoming a mentor cannot simply walk into the agency and say, “I want a kid.” It just doesn’t work that way. The Big Brother/Big Sister agency is responsible for matching a mentor with a child in a safe and controlled manner. Unfortunately, the process is rather long and discourages a lot of prospective volunteers from getting involved.

Here is some information about the first steps of becoming a Big Brother/Big Sister:

1. The ... From: Volunteering to Be a Big Brother or Big Sister - Part I

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Help Fight Human Trafficking

Most people who have heard about human trafficking have heard most about sex slaves, and while awareness of that one aspect of trafficking is important, more people need to realize that human trafficking extends past the sex industry. Human trafficking includes slave labour, the selling of people to pay off debts, the use of people to maintain compliance amongst other trafficked individuals, et cetera. In short, human trafficking is the purchasing, selling, and using of people to perform tasks without proper pay or recognition. Human trafficking is a monstrous industry that is estimated at ear... From: How to Help Fight Human Trafficking

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Five Points of Unusual Advice

While these points of advice may come across as silly and ridiculous, do not be fooled into thinking that the advice is worthless. Each point on this list has come from real-life experiences, and you just never know if you, too, will one day be faced with these tales of horror.
1. Do Not Make Bread in Small Spaces
Already, I can see the looks of confusion as this one, very small point gets read. Bread in small spaces? Oh yes. Please, allow me to explain this awesome piece of advice. Bread is a wonderful substance and smells absolutely delicious as it bakes, but unless a person has made brea... From: Five Points of Unusual Advice That You Just Wouldn't Think About

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fable II

Anyone who has ever played the first ‘Fable’ game knows how much fun it can be to choose between being good and evil. It can be exciting to have all of the villagers be terrified of you, or to admire you for being so virtuous. Whether the player chose to be a sappy do-gooder or a demon in training, there was a fun and innovative storyline to follow each moral decision.

‘Fable II’ follows the same principals of the original ‘Fable’, except ‘Fable II’ has so much more to offer. Not only is the world (and game overall) bigger, but there are mo... From: Reasons Why You Should Play Fable II

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Before I Fall - A Book Review

There are so few books that can leave the reader feeling a profound sense of sadness and realism, yet also give feelings of hope and acceptance at the same time. Few books can really drag a person back to childhood, back to high school, while giving a realistic glimpse of life and the circumstances that so many people face daily. The intense sensations granted by the book, Before I Fall, by Lauren Oliver, are almost as impossible to describe as the incredible story itself.

Before I Fall is the story of Samantha Emily Kingston. She’s super popular, a bit mean-spirited and immature, ... From: Before I Fall - A Book Review