Monday, October 19, 2009

Holy monkey, I haven't put anything on here for a long time.
Are you ready for my list of excuses? No? That's too bad, because here they are:
1) I've started my final semester of college (thank gawd it's almost over!), and although it hasn't been much of a challenge so far, there has been quite a bit of work.
2) I've actually been writing my novel like a mad lady. I'm so close to finishing it! I'm very excited.
3) I have to work. A sad fact of life that many people can relate to.

So anyway, here's my random story for the day.

I work in a women's clothing store. If you've ever seen the episode of Family Guy where Peter goes shopping with Lois, you'll understand what I mean when I say that we have "husband chairs". I've always thought that it was nice that we have somewhere for the guys to lounge around while the ladies shop, even if it's still a huge bore for those poor male souls.
Anywho, a teenage boy came in with his mother, and he instantly headed for the chairs. As a joke, I told him that they were indeed "husband chairs", and he made a huge face. Laughing at him, I told him that he would be the husband one day.
You'll never guess his response.
He said, "I'm gay."
If he wasn't like thirteen I might have believed that he would even know whether or not he was gay, but I just went along with it and said, "Being gay doesn't mean that you won't have a husband someday who'd like to come shopping."

Oh boy, did his face ever go red.

I know, I know... It's not cool to torment poor kids who are being dragged around to shop with their parents, but it was fun. ;)