Monday, October 25, 2010

How Sex can Affect Your Relationship

Sex in a relationship is about more than just some fun bumping in the night. Many people don’t realize just how much sex can affect their relationships. With media projections and social pressures all around us, it’s hard to separate the facts from widely accepted beliefs.
Let’s take, for example, young people in their teens. Teenage boys are often of the opinion that the more sex and the more partners the better. Multiple partners make these boys “cooler” or more manly, because that is what the peer pressure is all about. Women tend to be the exact opposite... From: How Sex Can Affect Your Relationship

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Become a Big Brother/Sister!

Volunteering to be a Big Brother/Sister is not as easy as it’s made out to be on television or in books. Someone who is interested in becoming a mentor cannot simply walk into the agency and say, “I want a kid.” It just doesn’t work that way. The Big Brother/Big Sister agency is responsible for matching a mentor with a child in a safe and controlled manner. Unfortunately, the process is rather long and discourages a lot of prospective volunteers from getting involved.

Here is some information about the first steps of becoming a Big Brother/Big Sister:

1. The ... From: Volunteering to Be a Big Brother or Big Sister - Part I