Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Learn to Effin' Drive!

Everyone knows the driver who likes to terrorize everyone else by tailgating, cutting off, swerving, et cetera. My personal favourite is the driver who criticizes after he/she has done some stupid action that makes them no better.

Here's a story for you.

Today I was making the left turn onto my street (the street is one hell of a mess because it's finally under construction), and as I'm turning, I have to tap the brakes because there's a huge drop off the pavement and onto the dirt road, and then I had to actually hit the brakes because a woman stepped off the sidewalk and decided to cross at that point in time. While all of this is happening, some guy in a 4x4 truck tailgates me through the turn, and likely had to slam on his brakes when I hit mine for the pedestrian. Standard procedure for morons like that.
But it gets better.
After the woman has finished crossing the street, I start to go again at about 40 km/hr (I drive a little junker car that bottoms out on a speed bump, and so it is poorly suited for the dips and divots of the torn up street, not to mention that I've already lost a tire to that stupid street and have no intentions of doing it again). Once again, I slow, this time due to an oncoming taxi that looks like it may swerve into my lane around a pilon that's sitting over a very exposed manhole cover (if there's one thing I've learned from driving in this city, it's to not trust the cab drivers). The taxi driver decides to stick to his side of the road, and so I continue forward. Everything goes fine, and then I have to slow down and brake for the mountainous climb back up onto pavement. At last, I am happily at my driveway when the tailgating truck roars by with the passenger yelling, "Learn how to f***ing drive!"


Last time I checked...
A) You do not speed through construction zones anyway, so using caution is a good thing.
B) Tailgating is poor driving.
C) My car is happier in one piece rather than several after bottoming out all over the place.
D) It's not a good thing to hit pedestrians.

Do I wish that the guy driving that truck would hit a massive pothole and blow out at least two tires? Oh, you bet I do; however, it's the idiots like that in the world who cause accidents, so it's only a matter of time.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ground Meeting Sky

The clouds are too close to the ground.

I looked up to see that the tops of the high rises are painted in pink as the clouds swirl through the air in the sunset, and the surreal gray of wispy rain barely has a place in the blotted image that sits on the horizon. It feels like I can simply reach up and take a piece of the sky; as if the world is slowly imploding or folding inside out. With each passing second the ground seems to rise about an inch, because surely the sky cannot fall so slowly, and with each of those passing seconds I feel like I should lay flat on the street and wait for the mist to consume me.

Perhaps before morning, the dark will be dark no more, for it will be everything.