Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Laundry Room Etiquette

Article about Laundry Room Etiquette

I write for a few different websites, mostly just to get feedback and to read what other people are talking about. You wouldn't believe the material that can be written about. The writing world is so vast that everything and anything can be put into words... with a few exceptions when it comes down to TOS.

Anyway, I noticed a very strange trend on one of the sites that I write for. Of all the topics, stories, and blurbs that I've written for/about, the topic that has received the most views has been about laundry room etiquette. Seriously! I didn't think that it was going to be much of a topic when I posted it... I was just mad because I waited half an hour to use a washing machine because some fool wouldn't get his clothes out when the timer was done. Hence, an article about laundry room etiquette was born. Who would have guessed that it would be the article to reach over 1000 views in about two months? I'm not much of a marketer, so for me to get that many views is pretty nice.

If you're interested, take a look: Laundry Room Etiquette

Onward with Strikes

Everyone is still on the verge of striking! It's absolutely ridiculous. Fanshawe College in London just barely avoided a strike. The faculty was demanding more money (of course), a smaller workload, and smaller class sizes. So basically they want to get paid to do less work. Confusing.

Yeah yeah, I agree that teachers are given way too much work and the class sizes are ridiculous... But you know what? Just work toward a small workload. Forget the extra money. There's just none to be had.

The MTO went back to work, so that's nice. Hopefully now I can upgrade my motorcycle license.