Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thoughts on School (Part 2)

There's something to be said about the first week of school. It's annoying. For most normal people, school is a drag on the first week. Why? Not because the classes are necessarily dry, but because of the repetition that plagues the introductory week.

Having been in school for only 3 days, I have already rolled my eyes so much at the amount of repetition that they've actually begun to hurt. Yes, I know this is the next step of my career. Yes, I know that it's important to listen and pay attention. Yes, attendance is crucial for achieving a passing grade.

I get it.

It's fine if they mention this, and I know they have to by law, but just breeze by it at least. We don't need to overview the same course outline guidelines a billion times.

"Oh, plagiarism, I thought we could do that. Thank goodness the course outline tells me not to, or I'd be in shit." Cripes, move on. Warn us about plagiarism by just saying the word. If University/College students don't understand that word by now, then tough shit.

Once classes get started, school can be challenging, fun, frustrating, etc. But at least it can pull you in. For now, it really likes to spin its wheels and then take off two weeks in. Either way, it should be an interesting year. I'm looking forward to getting it over with, that's for sure.

P.S. No, I don't care about anyone else in the class. I don't care where they're from or what school they attended in Nowhere, Ontario. It may sound mean, but I'm there to get an education about certain things, not a lesson on classmate lives.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thoughts on School

So I'm sitting here, in the boiling hot computer room at school, thinking (and dreading) the next class that's coming up. It's not that the subject is difficult, or that the teacher is terrible... it's just that it's... Well, it's class! Who the hell actually wants to go to class?
Probably a ton of people, now that I think about it.

What is it about school that makes people grimace? It seems like an automatic reaction. For example, even people who absolutely love their job whine and grumble about having to go. Is it because people don't like the idea of having to do something, or is it just for the sake of being friendly with all the other grumbling people?

The rules of society are messed.

When I really think about it, I don't totally abhor school. For me, it really is because I feel the obligation to go, and once I'm there, I know that if I follow my morals, I won't be leaving any time soon.
What else would I do, though?
Yup, nothing.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homeland Housewares - Just Don't Bother

Before I begin here, I just wanted to apologize for not posting for so long. It's been hectic with all the back to school stuff, and I was working some extra hours to pay for my textbooks... Yeah, it's been a long couple of weeks.

Anyway, on to the true topic of this post: Homeland Housewares.

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, Homeland Housewares is the company that manufactures The Magic Bullet, a glorified blender. Chris (my fiancé for those who don't know) and I were up at three in the morning, watching TV, when we came across the ridiculously long commercial for The Magic Bullet. Whether it was absolute exhaustion, pure stupidity, or both, I said, "Hey, I should order that!" And that is how it all got started.

I placed the order with a friendly CSR and went to bed. The next day, not even twelve hours later, Chris and I were walking around the mall when he suggested that we should look in Showcase, a as-seen-on-tv type of place. You can probably see where this is going... Yes, The Magic Bullet was there.
Thinking that I could just save on shipping costs, I called the customer service number that Homeland Housewares gave me, only to find that it wasn't even in service. I called the sales number back, thinking it an honest mistake, but the CSR told me that I had the right number, and that she had tried it as well and it wasn't working. She said that I couldn't cancel my order through her and that I would just have to wait until the number was back up and working.
I went back to Showcase, and the friendly employee there revealed that the customer service number that I was given was indeed wrong. She handed me the store phone and told me to call the correct number, and so I did.... Only to be told that the purchase had already been shipped and that it was impossible to cancel the order.
Uh huh... and I'm the queen of England. Here is how I know that it hadn't been shipped:
1) It was less than twelve hours after I placed the order
2) It was SATURDAY, and Homeland told me that the product was being shipped by regular post. Hmm.
3) Monday was a holiday in Canada, so nothing was going to be moving until Tuesday

Obviously I argued with the rep... who said that he would get his supervisor for me. After putting me on hold for half an hour (likely hoping that I'd hang up), I was cold transferred to someone else. THAT person said that she'd cancel my order, but that I should call back on Tuesday (how convenient) to confirm the cancellation, and then she hung up without further adieu.

Well, today is Tuesday. First thing in the morning my credit card says that I was charged for this product from Homeland Housewares.
Guess who's not going to get their money.