Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wake Up Call

Daylight savings time. I just don't get it. The other side of the world doesn't do it... why do we? I understand that some countries have the sun rising and setting at just about the same time all day, every day, all year long, whereas our time in the sun varies from day to day... but there has to be more to it than that. I've heard environmentalist theories, consumerism theories, government conspiracy theories.... but what is the REAL answer?

This morning I woke up to a backup alarm that I had set on my cell phone in case the power was to go out in the middle of the night. Did the power go out? No! It was daylight savings. What if I hadn't set my cell phone? What if, say, I completely forgot about daylight savings time and had slept in, was late for work, and then spent the rest of the day with my face on the floor trying to avoid my boss?
No one would care.
Yeah, I know.

There's also the issue about sleep patterns. It is now almost eleven o'clock at night, but I'm not nearly as tired as I should be. Why? You guessed it - daylight savings time. My body says that it's really only closing in on ten o'clock. Boo.