Thursday, October 8, 2009

Math is not my strength

So, I go for placement next week in Teacher's College, and I've been asked to teach mathematics for the Grade 7 class. Specifically, I will be attempting to teach Data Management. The key word being "attempting". I'm not really nervous, but I just don't think that math is my strongest point as far as teaching is concerned. The good thing about it is that the classes are really only about 30-40 minutes long, so it's not like I'm standing there trying to do an hour lesson or longer.

Anyways, I'm sure I'll screw up somewhere and probably quite often, but I guess little kids don't really care all that much. I know that if I was in a math class with a student teacher teaching me, I wouldn't care at all if they said 2+2 was 5.

We will see how it goes...