Friday, September 18, 2009

Flour Weevils!

Oh, what a joy to open a box of pancake mix, only to find..... WEEVILS!

What the hell is a weevil?

I didn't know until about two minutes ago. They're nasty looking little bugs that like grain products. Yep.
The only way to prevent/kill them off is to freeze all grain products for about forty eight hours to guarantee that the eggs won't hatch, and then bleach the cupboards. Lovely.

So, how would one get weevils (what a stupid name for a gross bug... sounds like a disease!)?

You buy grain products.
I'm totally serious.
Just stop on by at your local grocery store and scoop up some flour, or pancake mix, or even cereal. Enjoy your new e-coli infection.

Oh lord.

I feel so disgusted knowing that it's very common to ingest these bugs and their eggs without even knowing it. Blech.

To be honest, I didn't think much about those stupid little beetles at first, but then a neighbour asked if I noticed any little bugs in grain products that I purchase.

Well, now that you mention it...
Yes, I have, actually.

A little bit of Google, a little bit of Wikipedia... Voila! Weevil Haven 'R' Us.

I would post a picture, but it made my stomach turn just looking at them, so we'll forget that idea.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bug Magnet

That's right... that's what I am: a bug magnet.

I keep wondering what the hell I've done to sudden get infested by every stupid bug on the planet. My place is clean, I have good hygiene, and no pets that run around outside. Yet, I have suffered the wrath of hungry bed bugs, weird little beetles that seemed to grow out of instant pancake mix (not kidding... absolutely disgusting), typical spiders all over, and all of the miscellaneous little bugs that come with life. Let's not forget that last night I bought a frozen pie, only to find that it was all moldy.

Would moving away help this trouble, or am I just doomed to be followed by the bugs?
I think it's the latter.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kanye West = Jackass

No, I didn't watch the MTV VMAs last night because I don't give a damn. However, I heard about Kanye West's douchebaggery stunt that he pulled on Taylor Swift, and it was ridiculous. I watched it on YouTube and thought, "what an idiot!"

For those who don't know, Taylor Swift won an award last night for the best video of 2009 or something, and Kanye interrupted her speech only to tell her that Beyoncé's video deserved to win. Now, I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift's music really, but she didn't even know what to say. All she could do was stand there after being insulted.

I respect people who don't shy away from what they want to say, but you don't interrupt a teenage girl's speech after winning something all on her own.

People may say it's a publicity stunt or whatever, but if that's true, then what a disgrace to music to have artists participating in this kind of childish behaviour. Especially on a night when they were celebrating Michael Jackson's life and career. So, whether it was staged or not, it's a shame to see this kind of garbage.