Monday, November 16, 2009

Transit Strike

A lot of people rely on the transit system here in London. The bus system has been a very affordable way to travel, especially with the recession, and provides the convenience of not having to find a parking spot (not mention not having to spend a ridiculous amount to park for one hour).

The down side, however, is when the transit system shuts down, like today. London transit workers have decided to go on strike for many reasons (including some that I agree with), but also for the usual cause of getting more money. I don't know about anyone else, but when I hear that people are going on strike because they want more money... I want to slap them all! Here we are in a time of financial hardship, where companies are shutting down left and right due to a lack of financial resources, and these people go on strike with MONEY in mind.
What the hell?

I'm not even kidding. Stop being so greedy and be thankful that you still have a job. There are thousands of people in Canada who are no longer employed and who would love to work.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tattoos - A Sign of Evil

Oh my gosh! *Gasp*
You have a tattoo?! You must be the devil incarnated. I know that you're a drinking, drug dealing, street corner walking chunk of garbage...

Yeah, okay.

How is it that tattoos got such a bad reputation? Why can't tattoos just be seen as works of art?
True, not all tats are tasteful, and some are downright offensive, but there are a ton of tattoos out there that are absolutely stunning, cute, stylish, pretty, and so on. It's just body art. People have been making marks on their bodies forever; why are noses still turned up at the thought of a tattoo?
I personally have two tats, one on each forearm. One is a typical little butterfly, which I got while I was working in the Philippines. The point of the tattoo was of a reminder of something crazy and spur-of-the-moment that I did in a foreign country. It also reminds me of the book that I'm writing, which gives me inspiration.
The second tattoo is just a fancy leaf with a fancy stem. There was absolutely no point to this tattoo - I just liked the image.

Am I a screwed up druggie/hooker/gangster/hoodlum?
Not since the last time I checked.
In fact I'm a college student/fiancée/older sister/retail employee/writer, in spite of the fact that I've apparently been marked by evil.

Take that, world.