Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tattoos - A Sign of Evil

Oh my gosh! *Gasp*
You have a tattoo?! You must be the devil incarnated. I know that you're a drinking, drug dealing, street corner walking chunk of garbage...

Yeah, okay.

How is it that tattoos got such a bad reputation? Why can't tattoos just be seen as works of art?
True, not all tats are tasteful, and some are downright offensive, but there are a ton of tattoos out there that are absolutely stunning, cute, stylish, pretty, and so on. It's just body art. People have been making marks on their bodies forever; why are noses still turned up at the thought of a tattoo?
I personally have two tats, one on each forearm. One is a typical little butterfly, which I got while I was working in the Philippines. The point of the tattoo was of a reminder of something crazy and spur-of-the-moment that I did in a foreign country. It also reminds me of the book that I'm writing, which gives me inspiration.
The second tattoo is just a fancy leaf with a fancy stem. There was absolutely no point to this tattoo - I just liked the image.

Am I a screwed up druggie/hooker/gangster/hoodlum?
Not since the last time I checked.
In fact I'm a college student/fiancée/older sister/retail employee/writer, in spite of the fact that I've apparently been marked by evil.

Take that, world.

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