Friday, August 14, 2009

Bed Bugs - Journey Back to the Elderly Couple

Remember the night stands that I mentioned earlier? The ones that I bought from an elderly couple, and that were infested with tiny little bed bugs? Yes, well, I paid a whopping ten dollars for those night stands, which really translated into $364 after two fumigations.
Anyway, my fiancé and I debated long and hard over whether or not the couple realized that they had bed bugs, but after witnessing a couple of mattresses sitting out by the curb, decided that they probably did know. Despite this fact, however, we decided to pay them a visit to be absolutely certain.
We knocked on the door, and the elderly gentleman answered. We told him our story about the night stands and the bed bugs, and his response was...
No offer to refund my money, no apology.

He continued on to mention that they knew about the problem and that they had taken care of it (I highly doubt that, since their house was still in perfect order). A thank you for coming and a closed door was our reward for our efforts.

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