Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pervoids and Princes - A Glimpse to Online Dating for Women

The Pervoid

"Hey, sexy, how about you come over for a massage?"

Wow, ten nano-seconds into a conversation and you're already getting the infamous offer of a massage and a glorious night of pampering. That's fantastic! Can you picture it already?
Of course not.

These types of offers are sickeningly notorious to women in the online dating world. The majority of men who are quick to respond to an online dating classified have not only skipped over the paragraph about how you love to go for long, romantic walks, but have actually skipped over your entire profile. These are the men that we shall classify as the 'pervoids'; they seek a night, or possibly even just an hour, of your worthy company for their own personal agendas, and then they shall be on their way. They are blatantly crude and hoping to score an easy catch.
How do you spot this species?
It's simple. These types of men are usually very quick to turn a conversation sexual, or to offer a meeting of sorts. They will extend an invitation to you at two in the morning to meet for coffee or a movie, but nearly always in a private, intimate place.

My Advice: Unless you're looking for a one night stand, be wary of these men and just stay away. Don't bother trying to be nice, because you're not going to hurt their feelings by instantly shutting them down. I personally have had this experience over and over again, and the easiest way to get rid of them is to tell them that you simply are not interested, and that you find them completely repulsive. Often times blocking is necessary.

The Prince

Your most likely chance at success in gaining a meaningful relationship from online dating is to pursue the men who seek conversation. It could start out as a battle of wits between the two of you (as what happened with my fiancé and I), or it could just be casual conversation where you get to know each other. Don't rush meeting; take some time to coast along and savor the laughs. Talk on the phone! Get a real feel for each other before deciding to meet. This will not only let you get to know the guy, but it will also give you a chance to see his true agenda. Is he looking for a true relationship, or is he a pervoid in sheep's clothing?

Here are some quick tips for finding your match:
1) Actually read his profile. It will reveal a lot about him if he is being honest.
2) Be honest in YOUR profile.
3) Do not reveal whether or not you have kids in your online profile - this is how pedophiles target victims.
4) Do not allow pictures to take first priority - your prince might be in a frog suit.
5) Posting your own picture will get you more profile views, but if you're not looking for a bawdy encounter, keep your picture clean and classy.

My Qualifications:
My fiancé and I met on a free online dating website. We talked on MSN messenger and on the phone for two months before finally agreeing to meet. In that time period I dealt with a lot of pervoids, sly wolves, and some true gentlemen, but in truth there was only one real prince for me.

1 comment:

  1. Very well stated. Bottom line of it all is many of the men who are on online dating are either frieks or just simply pigs.
