Friday, August 14, 2009

Sex and Teens - Wha?

A lot of my time tends to be lost on the internet, and for some reason I am attracted to yahoo answers like a fly is attracted to a bright light. Okay, perhaps I'm not quite that mesmerized, but it's close enough, and I have to admit that some of the questions that come up on that site are just insane. It's completely natural for pre-pubescent kids to be curious about the world of sex, but what on earth are they doing asking about what position is the best? There are so many of these kids asking about ways to skip their periods, or how to get into a girl's pants that I really wonder where the hell they've come from. A teenage girl talking about having missed her period refuses to accept the fact that she may be pregnant after having unprotected sex over and over again... and yet she continues to ask why she doesn't feel well in the morning... Is there any sense to this at all? I have this odd feeling that I'm traveling in circles, and will eventually end up in a pit of stupid. Someone save me.

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