Friday, September 25, 2009

Believing in the Laws of Attraction

Just about everyone has heard about the concept of the law of attraction. This isn't like bees being attracted to honey... It's more like negativity feeds negativity, positive feeds positive.
But does this concept truly exist?

I suppose a perfect example would be someone who is in a terrible mood. Everything that could possibly go wrong that day will indeed go wrong, but is it because of the law of attraction, or is it because that person brought the problems upon themselves? It could be a bit of both. A person in a bad mood can take a happy room and turn it down in less than ten seconds. Wouldn't this be feeding the negativity just through vibes, rather than attracting bad things with a bad mood?

I don't really believe in all the wholistic healing junk, which may be something that is really affecting my opinion on this whole concept. No one really knows how stuff works, or how Murphy's Law ever came to be true, although many people claim to know.

A bad day, in my opinion, settles down into bad luck and stupid decisions.

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