Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homework - What's the Point?

Studies have shown that homework actually has detrimental effects on the student, especially when the student is very young (as in kindergarten age). Homework causes stress, lack of sleep, lack of a personal life, and plenty of negativity (google it).

Sure, the idea behind homework possesses the greatest of intentions. After eight hours at school, of course a student would want to study and learn more!

Personally, when I'm done school my brain is pretty bogged down. I know that, as a college student, I should be prepared to settle onto my couch for the night to write out circuit diagrams and explanations about relays; unfortunately, I'm just not prepared to do that. Class is hard enough to get through with giving my full attention, so when it comes to homework... Well, I'm screwed.
I'm a really good student, and I cringe at anything that's below an 'A', but it happens. Part of that is my lack of will to avoid procrastination and to just get homework done. Do I learn anything from all this extra work?

What makes this worse is that I have a part-time job to support my lazy butt while I'm in school, and this means not getting home until around 10:30 some nights.
Bust out the books and be prepared for an all-nighter!

Which actually leads me to my next point.
Ever had a teacher or advisor tell you that you shouldn't be working while you're in post-secondary education, because school is supposed to be your full-time job?
That just drives me nuts. Every time I hear those words I want to hold out my hand and ask for money.

Anyway, I'm starting to go all over the place, so I'll end it with two last words: Homework sucks!

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