Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thoughts on School (Part 2)

There's something to be said about the first week of school. It's annoying. For most normal people, school is a drag on the first week. Why? Not because the classes are necessarily dry, but because of the repetition that plagues the introductory week.

Having been in school for only 3 days, I have already rolled my eyes so much at the amount of repetition that they've actually begun to hurt. Yes, I know this is the next step of my career. Yes, I know that it's important to listen and pay attention. Yes, attendance is crucial for achieving a passing grade.

I get it.

It's fine if they mention this, and I know they have to by law, but just breeze by it at least. We don't need to overview the same course outline guidelines a billion times.

"Oh, plagiarism, I thought we could do that. Thank goodness the course outline tells me not to, or I'd be in shit." Cripes, move on. Warn us about plagiarism by just saying the word. If University/College students don't understand that word by now, then tough shit.

Once classes get started, school can be challenging, fun, frustrating, etc. But at least it can pull you in. For now, it really likes to spin its wheels and then take off two weeks in. Either way, it should be an interesting year. I'm looking forward to getting it over with, that's for sure.

P.S. No, I don't care about anyone else in the class. I don't care where they're from or what school they attended in Nowhere, Ontario. It may sound mean, but I'm there to get an education about certain things, not a lesson on classmate lives.

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