Monday, August 17, 2009

Addiction to Junk Food - The Downhill Slide

Crack cocaine, nicotine, caffeine... Who the hell cares when there's junk food?

But seriously, what about junk food? I'm not huge on caffeine, and cigarettes appall me, so I can't speak for all the addicts of the world, but I can tell you that there is one heavy vice that I have: A massive, irresistible, gross addiction to junk food. I swear, every day I can feel plaque building up in my intestines just a little bit more. Hamburgers, french fries, milkshakes, chocolate bars... Hell, anything containing grease is my heaven.

Shocked? Yeah, so is anyone who meets me. I'm a scrawny little monkey, but I just can't resist the urge to chow down on the next unhealthy thing placed in front of me. Perhaps I am destined for a fat ass and calf rolls, but with the way I'm thinking, whooooo cares?

Yeah, I do.

How is it that junk food can have such a powerful hold on me? I have tried an experiment where I went with very little junk food for a few months, and at first the cravings were nearly unbearable. After a while, I started to feel better, and even had more energy than I did before, but it wasn't long after that point where I had a huge relapse and ate every piece of chocolate that floated my way. So, of course, now I'm back at the beginning, constantly pondering about how I should consider going on a diet not for weight loss, but just for the sake of my health. Heart disease runs in my family, and I can already picture my heart being drowned under layers of trans fat and the like. It's a gross picture.

Which all leads me to my next point.
Obesity is said to be a rising epidemic in North America, and there is all this preaching about how people should start to eat healthier food.
Please, allow me to tear this whole thing apart.
I can go to McDonald's and get a cheeseburger for roughly $1.39. I go to the store and get some beef, eggs, and crackers, and I'm looking at around $15.00. If I go to the grocery store and buy organic, said-to-be-healthier food, I stare owl-eyed at a bill of approximately $150. If I go to the grocery store and buy all the junk, I get twice the groceries, and I'm calmly gazing at a bill of $65.

Now, please, do continue to preach at me how I should be buying healthier food when I can't afford it.

Yeah, yeah, I'll hear the, "But can you afford not to eat healthy?"
Well, no, but I can't afford to do things either way, so I guess I'll have to make a decision.

I hope that my ass doesn't expand to the size of Jupiter and that I am one day able to afford a healthier lifestyle as far as food goes, but as it is right now, I'll admit it: I'm a junk food junkie.

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