Sunday, August 16, 2009

One Diamond Ring, Please

People become engaged in so many unique ways that it would be virtually impossible to list them all, so I'll just do what I do best and be concerned with my own engagement. To give you a little bit of background information, I met my fiancé on a networking website. It was sort of ironic, because neither of us was really looking to meet anyone in person; we were just looking to chat casually for something to do. Our first conversation was ridiculously entertaining, and so we ended up chatting on MSN messenger, and things just went from there. We met in person at a mall, and just continued to see each other from there.

Now to tell you about the proposal.
I was working at a really crappy job as an office cleaner. The pay wasn't too bad, but my boss was the devil's cousin and also very demanding. At the time I was attending school full time, and then going to work as soon as the last class was over. The night of the proposal was no different. Chris and I tended to talk to each other through texting while I was at work so that he would know where I was, and since I was receiving texts from him all evening, I thought that he was sitting comfortably at home (unbeknownst to me, he was actually using my computer).
Upon my return from work, I walked into a living room that was illuminated by candles and a huge smile from my then boyfriend. My first impression was that he was just being the sweetheart that he is and that he decided to surprise me with a romantic evening, but soon it became evident that something else was amiss.
Chris started talking a lot and babbling, and then suddenly broke into a very nice speech about how much he cares about me (thank god it wasn't cliché...). Without warning, he dropped to one knee and pulled out a cute little ring box and popped THE question. Good thing that he had talked to some of my family members before proposing... at least he knew what he was getting into.
The poor guy.
For a moment there was silence, and then I practically yanked him to his feet, jumped around a bit, kissed him over and over again, jumped on him (his description of this moment is that I appeared like some kind of wildlife), and then at last realized that I never even answered his question. He was staring at me, grinning all silly-like, and then he was like, "So what's your answer?"
If only I had a video of the moment. He was absolutely adorable.

So yeah, I was proposed to in my living room at about 9:30 at night, and I gave a big fat yes.

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