Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's a Bug eat Bug World

You just know that the pesticides are at work when one minute you see a fly buzzing around the room, and then the next minute it just falls dead to the floor. It was quite the sight, and it gets me wondering how that fly even came to exist in my apartment. In fact, I've been wondering how a ton of these nasty bugs have come to be here... I hadn't seen most of these species until the pesticide was applied. Very curious circumstances, I must say.

Last night was night four since the second fumigation, and as far as I can tell, there have been no bites. Chris and I spent some time last night flipping the mattress, peeking under the dust cover, and so forth to see if we could find any evidence of bed bugs. We didn't find anything, but I'm hoping that the dropping of the mattress back down onto the frame shook some onto the carpet, thus suffocating the little bastards in poison. Perhaps it worked, since I haven't yet discovered any new, massively itchy welts.

Now with that being said... how good can it be for me to live in this sterile smelling, bug eating environment?
I'll probably never know.

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