Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It Started With No Sleep...

After getting a solid three hours of rest, my day began with my weekly paper route. No big deal. Just a way to earn some much needed money. I am already cranky because of the lack of sleep, but also hopeful that the day will pick up, but so far, it has not.

Already scheduled for an eye appointment (which I'm not looking forward to) at 6:20pm, the day doesn't look to be headed in the right direction, but oh well. It's just an eye appointment after all.

I make my way over to Megan's (aka TheBedBug) brother's apartment to visit her before she heads to work. Unfortunately, before I get to see my lady downstairs, the day throws another crappy moment my way. I see an elderly lady walking her dog and like a gentleman, I hold the door open for her, only to get a snoody reaction: "You're just waiting for me to open the door, aren't ya?" (It's an apartment building, so I can't get in without a key, but Megs wasn't there yet so I politely waited for the lady to open the door).

At this point, I giggle, figuring she's just being lighthearted. Mind you, I didn't get a "thank you" for holding the door, but I let it slide. Moving to the side, I allowed her to move along and open the door to the building. Again, being nice, I held the door for her and her dog to get through. Here's where it gets annoying.

I know what you're thinking, she didn't give me a "thank you" again. Well, that's correct, but there's more. Her dog decides to wrap itself around me in its leash, making it hard for me to move while I hold this door open. The old lady, annoyed by this somehow, remarks to me, "I should have my dog bite you." I don't know if it's because I was trying to hold the door while the dog was wrapped around my legs or what, but I was confused by the comment.

If that's not bad enough, she then put her hand behind me and proceeded to shove me through the open door to get me through first. Now I'm thinking that she's just an ungrateful bitch.

I'm not Mr. Tough Guy, but don't put your stupid hands on me and try to shove me through a door. If I have one pet peeve, it would be unnecessary touching. It's rude, it's disgusting, and it's just plain inconsiderate.

I was being nice, and now any chance of a good mood for the afternoon has been shot.

Here comes the eye appointment...

1 comment:

  1. Keep goin'on my friend and don't mind about this kind of people: you're right, she's not!! that's all! kindness will save the world!!
    Have a nice day, Mike from
