Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Ads on These Things

Google Adsense is a nifty thing, and I think it's cool that you can add a few pennies of monetary value to your site/blog with Adsense, but some of the ads... Really? I've written about bed bugs off and on to keep everyone up-to-date on the situation, so it only makes sense that some of the ads would be about bed bug stuff; however, there was one ad in particular that really stood out. It was about cleaning up suicides/homicides (an actual business that does this) so that families can continue on with their lives. A nice service to provide, certainly, but really? I'm not sure how many people who visit here would be very concerned with cleaning up bodily remains at this exact point in time. Maybe it plants a seed for the future... or maybe it's just weird.

Hmm to that!

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