Monday, August 24, 2009

Holding the Phone Company's Hand

It has been a couple days since I've been able to post. I've been in Markham, Ontario, and then it was off to work with me yesterday. Just no time for writing, which is a sick claim to make.

Anywho, still no new bites from the bed bugs. I have been staring suspiciously at my furniture, prepared with a heavy textbook to make those little buggers go splat if they should be so bold as to reappear. I think they are terrified, because I haven't seen them yet.

Did everyone read the post by Ristifer below? He loves me! What a nice feeling... I love him, too.

On a different note, has everyone had the experience of being on hold forever when calling the phone company? I thought that I'd be wise today and try out the internet chat option to talk to my phone company, and man, if I thought that it was frustrating just waiting on the phone... The chat people use a template for just about everything they say, and so I might give my information once, only to be asked for it again because that's part of the template. Sometimes the answers I get are completely unrelated to the discussion... and I really wonder where it's going.
Let's follow along, shall we?
I connected to this online chat representative to discuss a miraculous $147 credit that has appeared on my account. His response? "Don't worry about it."
Yeah, don't worry about it and then next month receive a double bill to compensate for this month. No, thank you!
Now he seems to have completely ignored what I said to him, and has already jumped to, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Well, let me tell you what else you can do for me... Maybe your job, for starters. Why is he not investigating this issue? Perhaps he knows the answer, but doesn't have a template to relate it.

I replied with: "I would like to know why this credit appears on my account."
His response? "It will appear on your next month's bill."


Okay, time to end the chat and move along. I guess I'll just phone later...

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